FAO Project
The FAO Project "Participatory Natural Resource Management in the Tonle Sap Region" is funded
by the Belgian government and implemented through the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the
United Nations (FAO).
The project works in direct collaboration with the provincial departments of forestry, fisheries, agronomy, rural development and environment within the province of Siem Reap.
The project works in direct collaboration with the provincial departments of forestry, fisheries, agronomy, rural development and environment within the province of Siem Reap.

The primary objective of the project is to facilitate responsible, productive and sustainable
management of locally accessible natural resources by communities to meet local needs and to
stimulate local development. An important part of this process is environment education, and
to this end, the project founded the GECKO environmental education center in 1999 in collaboration
with the provincial environment department.
For more information contact:FAO Siem Reap
PO Box 93002
Siem Reap
Tel/Fax: +855 (0) 63 963 525
Email: fao-sr@rep.forum.org.kh
Website: FAO Participatory Natural Resource Management