26 August 2003
Taking advantage of the free web space and website building tools
offered by TextAmerica (, Rajana Society has
created "Rajana Online Art Museum" (ROAM), a place for Khmer artists to
display there artworks. Started first as a gallery on RS version 1.0,
our vision has expanded.
The gallery will be transformed to an online museum where once it
completes, art enthusiasts will have the ability to rate and comment
artworks, read biographies of artists, and have the opportunity to
purchase the pieces.
ROAM is on schedule to make the public launch on Monday, September 8th,
2003. Meantime, we at Rajana Society need your help.
We are now accepting original artworks from both professional and
amateur artists. Submitted pieces are open to almost everything, ranging
from acrylic, watercolor, and oil paintings, pen and ink, graphic art,
digital print, photography, sculpture, etc.
If you are interested in showcasing your artwork at ROAM, please include
the following information:
1) up to 3 pictures of submitted art piece;
2) title of piece (if applicable);
3) up to fifty words caption biography of artist;
4) up to thirty words caption describing submitted art piece;
5) contact information such as e-mail address, voice number, fax,
and website;
6) asking price (if applicable);
7) and any other relevant information
Please send all information to our official e-mail address, All questions and other inquiries about ROAM
should be addressed to the same account.
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