webbed feet, web log
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blog Cambodia; blog the planet.

Aug 27, 2003

Preah Koh Bot

Preah Koh Bot a story of puppets, dancers, light and shadow Friday 29 August, h 7.30 pm entrance 5 $ Sovanna Phum Theater #111, Street 360, Boeng Keng Kang 3 Phnom Penh Tel 012 846020 e-mail: sovannaphum@camintel.com ------------------------------------------------------ A great show last week, with a surprise appearance by a singer of traditional Khmer music.

- jinja Link

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26 August 2003 ROAM SCOURS FOR ORIGINAL KHMER ARTWORKS Taking advantage of the free web space and website building tools offered by TextAmerica (http://www.textamerica.com), Rajana Society has created "Rajana Online Art Museum" (ROAM), a place for Khmer artists to display there artworks. Started first as a gallery on RS version 1.0, our vision has expanded. The gallery will be transformed to an online museum where once it completes, art enthusiasts will have the ability to rate and comment artworks, read biographies of artists, and have the opportunity to purchase the pieces. ROAM is on schedule to make the public launch on Monday, September 8th, 2003. Meantime, we at Rajana Society need your help. We are now accepting original artworks from both professional and amateur artists. Submitted pieces are open to almost everything, ranging from acrylic, watercolor, and oil paintings, pen and ink, graphic art, digital print, photography, sculpture, etc. If you are interested in showcasing your artwork at ROAM, please include the following information: 1) up to 3 pictures of submitted art piece; 2) title of piece (if applicable); 3) up to fifty words caption biography of artist; 4) up to thirty words caption describing submitted art piece; 5) contact information such as e-mail address, voice number, fax, and website; 6) asking price (if applicable); 7) and any other relevant information Please send all information to our official e-mail address, RAJANA@u.washington.edu. All questions and other inquiries about ROAM should be addressed to the same account.

- jinja Link

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Aug 26, 2003

“Mon-Khmer”, What does it mean?

Wednesday, August 27th, 2003 You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation: “Mon-Khmer”, What does it mean? Gérard DIFFLOTH Member of the EFEO Mon-Khmer is the name of a family of about 120 related languages, scattered throughout Mainland SEAsia; Khmer is one of them. The Munda family of East-India is a sister-family to Mon-Khmer, forming with it the Austroasiatic phylum. In this short lecture, a few glimpses will be give of Mon-Khmer languages such as Khasi spoken in India, Mon spoken in Burma, Vietnamese, and a few others showing that they are similar and yet quite different from each other and from Khmer, due to thousands of years of independent history. Gérard Diffloth, PhD in Linguistics, UCLA (1968); Professor of Linguistics University of Chicago; Professor of Linguistics and Asian studies, Cornell University. Currently member of the EFEO, writing an “Introduction to comparative Mon-Khmer”. The presentation will take place on August, 27th, at 6:30 pm in the EFEO library. Presentation will be in English In order to encourage scientific exchange, formally as well as informally, we are planning to follow up with other presentations by speakers working on subjects of interest to the Siem Reap scholarly community. You will be noticed by e-mail of these developments as they occur. Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to whoever you feel would be interested. Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226 Email: efeo.angkor@camintel.com / efeo.rep.bib@camintel.com EFEO Web Site: www.efeo.fr

- jinja Link

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Aug 18, 2003

August, Thursday 21st, 2003 You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation: Iconography and Narratology in Khmer art Vittorio Roveda Independent researcher The study of iconography and iconology in association with semiotics and narratology is fundamental in order to substantiate that sculptural reliefs are the most genuine documents that have survived about the Khmers from the 8th to the 14th centuries. In Khmer reliefs, the making of images (the topic of iconography) and their articulation (the topic of narratology) followed a development from simple visual compositions (heraldic lintels) to complex narrative panels (pediments and galleries / panels) that reflected the status of the evolution of Khmer culture. The maturity of iconography and the degree of narrativity of reliefs carved on lintels, pediments and panels can be used as tools for dating a culture as implements and artefacts are in conventional archaeology. Dr Vittorio Roveda gained a first doctorate in stratigraphy and micropaleontology in the 1950s, but switched interests in the 1980s to study Asian art history. He obtained his second doctorate on the reliefs of Angkor Wat’s Corner Pavilions in 2000. He has written Khmer Mythology in 1997, a Preah Vihear guidebook in 2000, Sacred Angkor in 2002 and various papers on Khmer visual narrative. The presentation will take place on August, Thursday 21st, at 6:30 pm in the EFEO library. Presentation will be in English In order to encourage scientific exchange, formally as well as informally, we are planning to follow up with other presentations by speakers working on subjects of interest to the Siem Reap scholarly community. You will be noticed by e-mail of these developments as they occur. Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to whoever you feel would be interested. Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226 Email: efeo.angkor@camintel.com / efeo.rep.bib@camintel.com EFEO Web Site: www.efeo.fr

- jinja Link

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Aug 11, 2003

Phnom Penh Cuisine

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Aug 10, 2003

Shadow Puppets

Shadow Puppets Last Friday saw the new medium size Shadow Puppets at Sovanna Phum. (Click for larger size image) Way to go guys! Some very innovative experimentation with form here, do yourself a favor and check it out. There’s a show every Friday at 7:30. Weathered an attack by flying cockroaches that evening as well, everyone made it out alive. Upcoming: World Education Cambodian Master Performers Program (CMPP) ________________________ You are invited to join the evening of Khmer Traditional Music concert performed by Master & Students who have just been learning Wedding Music _______________________________________________ Join us at Friends Restaurant House #215, Street 13 August 11, 2003 At 7:30 p.m. H/P: (855) 12 583 891 Free Entrance ______________________________________________________________ Please come to hear the sound of Khmer traditional music, learn about the instruments and the lives of those who play them. Talk to our Master and his students after the concert. Your donation is greatly appreciated. It will help the master continue to teach and encourage the students to learn and take pride in their traditional music. This program is sponsored and supported by the Cambodian Master Performers Program ( a program of World Education/Cambodia) in collaboration with Friends (Mith Samlanh). Over at EFEO in Siem Reap, a lecture on: THE QUESTION OF PORTRAIT IN TAMIL NADU - Vincent LEFÈVRE August 15th, 2003

- jinja Link

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Hello – Goodbye – Hello

Hello – Goodbye – Hello Is the refrain as many people blip out for vacation or come for a summer stint. I'll be traveling too, in mid-September to Indonesia for an art show. I’ve just finished short marketing job which was a complete change of pace, organizing some cyclos and performers for a product launch. Also, Peace Café is having its open mike night this Saturday 8pm. "Cafe Sonteipheap presents The Optimists Ball an evening of performance for better times Live Music, cabaret, comedy, poetry and arty stuff SOKHA's PEACE CAFE Saturday 16 August 8:00 pm Street 63 1 Kilometer South of Sihanouk Boulevard" Might see if I can dust off 'Kom Auie Knyom Deik Sruel'. News roundup: still quiet after the elections, lots of backstage discussion it seems. Also review of comic about the fall of Phnom Penh in latest Cambodge Soir.

- jinja Link

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Aug 4, 2003

election pix

Election Pix Promised pictures and here they are: One of the election posters, one of the polling stations late in the afternoon, actual voting. Sam Rainsy party seems to have taken some seats from Funcinpec, and it looks like some rearranging will be taking place. So far things are still very quiet.

- jinja Link

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Design Contest Winner Announced

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