webbed feet, web log
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blog Cambodia; blog the planet.

Aug 15, 2004

Appropriate Appropriation

Foreign Correspondents’ Club Presents Appropriate Appropriation a talk by Geoff Ryman Wednesday, August 18, 6:30 PM

Mr. Ryman has won acclaim for his work in fantasy and science fiction, including the 1984 World Fantasy Award for his novelette regarding Cambodia, 'The Unconquered Country'. He is visiting Cambodia for research on a new novel, and to conduct seminars and writing workshops with Khmer writers. Mr. Ryman will discuss fantasy and historical writing, the process of research, and contextualising Cambodian stories. There will be a short question and answer session after the talk. For more information contact: Nou Hach Literary Journal (012) 526 840 http://www.nouhachjournal.net/ Heritage Watch (012) 832 160 www.heritagewatch.org

- jinja Link

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