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Aug 7, 2005

Phare 04 Circus

Strange Visitors are something Phare is used to, they are open to collaboration and have done some quite unique works. In addition to the comics project, paintings, and regular art classes, a new circus show is opening tonight. (Do they ever sleep?) Lisa and I take care of a few errands and have a small goodbye dinner with some of her friends in town. She's leaving tomorrow morning. But we make sure to finish dinner fast to see the 8pm premiere of the new show! It's great and I'm impressed by the preparation and presentation. Am especially impressed by the art and backdrops, it's truly professional and I regret not bringing my camera. (All prior pics are borrowed from Lisa's camera.) Ah well, next time. Early to bed and in the morning, it's back to Phnom Penh! Tags: Comics Theatre Cambodia

- jinja Link

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