webbed feet, web log
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blog Cambodia; blog the planet.

Dec 7, 2005

The King's Last Song

Geoff Ryman: "In 2002 I was invited by friends to stay at the Australian archaelogical dig at Siem Reap. I was very lucky and got a tour from the dig director Roland Fletcher of all the monuments in the order they were built, which was an overwhelming introduction the history. I came back and immediately started to write the Jayavarman sequences. But there was a lot of expense, research, travel and reading to be done. I went back to Cambodia 4 times in two years, the last trip funded by the Author's Foundation. On my second trip, meeting so many Cambodians during the research inspired the modern plot and the whole modern half of the book took off from there." Read the whole Q&A at Andy Brouwer's site. http://andybrouwer.co.uk/bookrev.html Tag:

- jinja Link

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