Oct 3, 2006
Don't Fear the French
Some art stuff all through the weekend and beyond:
Right now: Chin Vanchear, Say Vesna, Mao Sovit (above left) and (above right) Lem Lorn are exhibiting some really engaging paintings at the French Cultural Centre, from RUFA/PHARE art schools. (Why is it so few people check these exhibits out?) Don't fear the French, you don't have to speak, just walk in and take a look, the art is right inside the main hall. You'll be impressed. Go on!
Thursday: October 5 Artist Talk/Slide show: Vandy Rattana on photography in Manila, Sopheap Pich on his Norway residency, and Erin Gleeson on the Singapore Bienniale. 339 Sisowath Quay, 3rd floor (above internet cafe). 6:30 - 7:30pm, discussion follows in English and Khmer.
Friday: October 6th, at 6.30pm,
John Vink Discussion + book signing + slide show @ Popil Photogallery.
Text is in French, talk is in English.
Also Saturday & Sunday Sovanna Phum does classical and folk dance.
Saturday: Tini Tinou circus fun in Battambang October 07 to 13. Click for larger program.
(Yes, it's in French. Deal.)
Also, don't forget, the yearly book festival, Lire en Fete, is coming up starting on October 19th. If you want to be involved, now is the time to apply. Application form: French, Khmer.
from What's On. Tags: Cambodia
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