Puppet Project, Siem Reap
Being familiar with ‘Burning Man’ and having just seen the lame Hollwood remake of ‘The Wicker Man’ (stick with the original) I am perhaps a little apprehensive when it comes to making large artificial figures.
However this project seems to be shaping up to be a lot of fun for the participants and is in need of a little assistance as is approaches its final leg. Get in touch via the info below.
I’ll try to get some pictures from the big show next week.
The Puppet Man is coming to town!
International Puppet Maker James Cochrane will be leading a series of workshops starting 22nd July until 9th February, working with kids from nine local high schools and orphanages in Siem Reap. Giant Puppets will be made by all participating kids.
Puppets will be made for the purpose of educational development and environmental awareness covering themes of endangered species, road safety and oral hygiene.
The project finale will end with a puppet procession through Siem Reap.
We need your help
The giant puppets will be made using recycled materials.
Collect!.... Find!....Collect!
Plastic bottles, clean plastic bags, plastic cups, straws, corks, paper cups, cardboard, tin foil, newspapers, magazines, bottle tops, polystyrene containers, cigarette boxes
All donations gratefully accepted
Contact: Stuart Cochlin 0121 613 896
Also contactable via Sasha Constable at the Art House, Siem Reap
Seconstable [at] hotmail (dot) com
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