webbed feet, web log
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blog Cambodia; blog the planet.

May 30, 2007

Do Not Adjust Your Set

I am doing a little weblog maintenance through the weekend. Bear with me folks, and for now, here is a bucket of blogs to read: Khmer IT dude in France. http://www.madethmay.com Khmer student in Singapore. http://www.sokhodom.com Cambodian Homestay blog http://rana-cambodia.blogspot.com Cambodia Kid Story: "Helping the Cambodian Kid in Cambodia by sharing common problems and solutions" http://cambodiakid.blogspot.com Cambodian Prison Visit http://iantaylors.blogspot.com/2007/04/cambodian-womens-prison.html Social Work Student blog. http://coming2cambodia.wordpress.com What_About_Me? Expat Cambodian IT worker in Southern California http://jimmy-b-khmer.blogspot.com A Corner of Cambodia (personal blog) (Kmeng Wat Samay Barang is a famous classic Khmer novel) http://kmengwat.blogspot.com Maggie and Matt In Cambodia (Svay Rieng) http://lifeinseasia.blogspot.com English teacher in Siem Reap http://onlyincambodia.blogspot.com http://cambodianenglish.blogspot.com Siem Reap Pig Project http://siemreappigproject.blogspot.com Khmer Student in Singapore http://www.harryman007.blogspot.com Tags:,

- jinja Link

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I saw my blog here :D, thanks Jinja. I should have changed my blog title to reflect that i am in Canberra for the moment :), and well, for those who would like to have free web hosting for useful project, i am more than happy to provide hosting. cheers.

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