Feb 28, 2007
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Feb 27, 2007
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Feb 26, 2007
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Feb 25, 2007
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Feb 24, 2007
is a word that gets used often in discussions about Cambodia.
Yesterday, pop star Pov Panhapich was shot at close range, on her way to English class.
Khmer forums are rife with speculation.
Today: via text message: it seems another Free Trade Union officer has been killed. That would be the fourth since Chea Vichea. I'll leave it to the press to cover more details on both.
For all we know, both victims could have had a dispute unrelated to their professional roles. (A gambling debt? An old grudge?)
Cambodia has an extensive legal code, but enforcement is uneven. If these two have done something wrong, they should have been taken to court.
But until there is stronger rule of law, daylight shootings will continue. And the details will never see the light of day.
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Feb 23, 2007
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Feb 22, 2007
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Feb 21, 2007
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Feb 19, 2007
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Feb 18, 2007
Wat a Relief
Siem Reap's Wat Preah Prom Rath (Jewelled Lord Brahma Wat) is getting a bit of a makeover, with some fresh paint.
I've always been particularly intrigued by this entrance gate.
Ray Zepp's A Field Guide to Siem Reap Pagodas, Phnom Penh (KEAP, 2000) mentions the 'maravijaya' story on this gate, but not all of the details.
The Wat was founded in 1915, this is definitely more recent. Prior to 1989 there were government controls on Wat expenditures, and this work would have required some money and effort, due to the detail.
I would hazard a guess this gate was built post-UNTAC time, prior to the final surrender of the Khmer Rouge. It might be the work of famed Siem Reap artist Dy Proeung. During my all-too-brief time shooting photos I couldn't find a credit for it.
Here we have the army of Mara, representing illusion/desire, physically attacking the man who would be Buddha. Note the uniforms. This is an extremely popular scene, depicted around the world in different styles.
In other images you'll find Mara's army wearing clothes that represent whatever the local artist considers in opposition to Buddhism. So here it's interesting to see them wearing what look like - Mao caps! Could they represent the Khmer Rouge/communists?
The tremendous will of Buddha is impervious to these efforts.
In a local variation, this story is linked to that of Mae Thoriani (Mother Earth) who wrings water out of her hair with such force that it sprays the forces away...
And as their weapons turn into flowers, soldiers repent, pray for forgiveness and mercy...
as some are devoured by Makara (crocodile like creatures).
I'll see if I can find a little more info on my next Siem Reap visit.
Links: http://www.keap-net.org
(Thanks heaps to 'Squatter', R.Z., and Elizabeth for contextual advice!)
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Feb 17, 2007
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Feb 16, 2007
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Feb 15, 2007
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Feb 14, 2007
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Feb 13, 2007
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Feb 12, 2007
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Feb 11, 2007
Glocalization - Cambodia Style
Signage in Siem Reap:
Hey, that looks familiar. I guess they open at 7am and close at 8pm?
Lorn Mart joins 'Pizza Hot' and 'BB World', and Palais Coffee (Starbucks clone) as another example of Cambodia's unique approach to marketing and branding.
Cambodia is a member of the World Trade Organization but enforcement of rules such as copyright law are taking some time to be fully implemented.
The Pizza Company has bravely waded in, one of the first global franchise companies to give it a go. So far it seems to be doing well. I'm just waiting for them to offer prahok pizza.
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Feb 9, 2007
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Feb 8, 2007
or: "Leave Your Weapon With the Guard"
"Vuth" is a common nickname in Cambodia, a shortening of a longer name like 'Daravuth' or "Sisavuthara".
Anecdote: some Khmers are on their way to an office and see a sign in front: 'Please leave your weapon (avut) at the door'. "Sorry Vuth," they say to their friend, "we'll have to go inside without you."
These signs used to be pretty common just a decade ago, and you can still see a number around.
By the time I was working in Siem Reap, (2000) this sign was already pretty redundant (and now has disappeared). I'd pretend to check myself, and tell the guard I left my grenades at home.
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Feb 7, 2007
More Wedding Pictures
Congrats Steffen and Konstanze!
(A lot of weddings lately, maybe I'll change the title of this weblog to "Webbed Feet, Wedding Registry".) This time it took place in Siem Reap.
A great time as the wedding and reception took place in a melange of German, Khmer, English, and French. When a local wedding has the right mix it's lots of fun.
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Feb 6, 2007
What a buzzword. It means so many different things, to different people.
Above: lonely moto taxi waits outside a row of cookie-cutter style buildings in Siem Reap.
New construction is going on at a frenetic pace.
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Feb 5, 2007
Puppet Project, Siem Reap
Being familiar with ‘Burning Man’ and having just seen the lame Hollwood remake of ‘The Wicker Man’ (stick with the original) I am perhaps a little apprehensive when it comes to making large artificial figures.
However this project seems to be shaping up to be a lot of fun for the participants and is in need of a little assistance as is approaches its final leg. Get in touch via the info below.
I’ll try to get some pictures from the big show next week.
The Puppet Man is coming to town!
International Puppet Maker James Cochrane will be leading a series of workshops starting 22nd July until 9th February, working with kids from nine local high schools and orphanages in Siem Reap. Giant Puppets will be made by all participating kids.
Puppets will be made for the purpose of educational development and environmental awareness covering themes of endangered species, road safety and oral hygiene.
The project finale will end with a puppet procession through Siem Reap.
We need your help
The giant puppets will be made using recycled materials.
Collect!.... Find!....Collect!
Plastic bottles, clean plastic bags, plastic cups, straws, corks, paper cups, cardboard, tin foil, newspapers, magazines, bottle tops, polystyrene containers, cigarette boxes
All donations gratefully accepted
Contact: Stuart Cochlin 0121 613 896
Also contactable via Sasha Constable at the Art House, Siem Reap
Seconstable [at] hotmail (dot) com
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Feb 4, 2007
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Feb 3, 2007
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Feb 2, 2007
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Feb 1, 2007
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