EFEO: The East Mebon and Pre Rup
Jan 21st, 2003 by Jinja
Lundi 27 janvier/ Monday January 27
You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation:
East Mebon and Pre Rup - two tenth century temples
Alexandra Haendel
Ph.D. candidate, SOAS, University of London
Both the East Mebon and Pre Rup have been described before, and their inscriptions translated. Nevertheless, a detailed study of the two temples is missing so far. The research aim of Alexandra’s Ph.D. is to shed new
light on the architecture and the use of both temples.
One method to achieve this goal is to closely examine the architectural evidence in order to establish a building sequence for both temples. Neither of the temples was conceived in one planning programme, and the changes and additions can be traced through architectural changes. The layout of the various buildings within the compounds also gives crucial insight into the original purposeand use of the temples. The second part of the research deals with the inscriptions, which are the longest in Khmer epigraphy. Both contain a wealth of information about the religions of the time, and also the buildings themselves.
Hence studying the inscriptions together with the architectural remains enables a very detailed interpretation of the purpose of the temples. The presentation will introduce Alexandra’s research results regarding both the architecture and the epigraphy.
Alexandra Haendel is currently a PhD candidate at the School of Oriental and African Studies/University of London, focusing on the Khmer temples, and a research fellow at the Centre for Khmer Studies in Siem Reap Her background is Southeast Asian history and art history, and she has worked and travelled widely in Southeast and South Asia.
The presentation will take place January 27, at 6:30 pm in the EFEO library.
Presentation will be in English
Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap
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