Jeudi 19 février 2004 / February, Thursday 19th, 2004
You are cordially invited to attend the following informal


Louise Allison Cort
Curator for Ceramics, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler
Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Leedom Lefferts
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology from Drew University,

New Jersey (USA)
Louise Allison Cort is Curator for Ceramics at the Freer Gallery of
Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C. Her work has focused on historical and contemporary
ceramics of Japan, Southeast Asia, and South Asia; Japanese
textiles; Japanese baskets; other craft traditions of Japan,
Southeast Asia and South Asia. She has developed catalogues of Kyoto-
centered and southern Japanese ceramics in the Freer Gallery of Art
collection, and ceramics from Southeast Asia in the Sackler Gallery
collection. She has published widely on the subject of ceramics.
Professor Leedom Lefferts is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology from
Drew University, New Jersey (USA), where he taught from 1976 until
December 2003 in the College of Liberal Arts and the Caspersen
School of Graduate Studies. He has held several administrative posts
at his university, including Director of Asian Studies, Director of
Linguistics Studies, and Director of the Archaeology Program. He is
also currently a Research Associate for the Anthropology Department
at the Smithsonian Institution. His work has focused on gender,
technology, material culture, and religion in mainland Southeast
Asian cultures.
Together, Louise Allison Cort and Leedom Lefferts are completing a
decade of research on the indigenous technologies of earthenware and
stoneware ceramic production practiced across Mainland Southeast
Asia. Besides their numerous respective publications, recent
publications include an article about ?Khmer earthenware in Mainland
Southeast Asia? in UDAYA n°1 and a chapter “A Preliminary Cultural
Geography of Contemporary Village-based Earthenware Production in
Mainland Southeast Asia”, in Earthenware in Southeast Asia, (ed. by
John Miksic, Singapore University Press, 2003).
The talk will deal with the history of stoneware production in
Northeast Thailand and Laos, working back from present-day
circumstances to documentation in 19th c French and 17th c Dutch

La présentation se tiendra à 18 h 30, Jeudi 19 février 2004 au
centre de l’EFEO.
The presentation will take place on February, Thursday 19th, at 6:30
pm at the EFEO center.
Presentation will be in English

Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap
Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge
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