Cinematique Anonymous

Cinematique Anonymous meeting 21 JULY 05

With the return of KM Lo to Phnom Penh, it’s time for another ‘Cinematique Anonymous’ meeting, this time held at the new Peace Cafe. Some amusement as we try to track down the new place, which has the same house number as the hotel next door to boot!

For several years now KM Lo has been doing some very basic ‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) film teaching. Many of his former and current students showed up, as well as a trio of interested French film fans and yours truly. KM now has a web site that can feature various forms of media with his comments.

Today he’s talking about (DIY) ‘Do It Yourself’ cinema, showing a film about a small chinese village where one DV camera led to a creative explosion of home made films.

Recommended reading:
Filmmaking in 10 minutes:

Filmmaking in Zero minutes!

Next meeting will be in three months, and if there is something sooner I’ll pass it on.

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