Best Asian Food Blog?

Best Asian Food Blog?

I’m voting at

vote early, vote often“! (Quote by?)

Postscript 29/07/2006: Phnomenon cite for PP Food Map @

High tech GIS photo mapping meets low cost street food. Love it.

Gridskipper calls it “gastrocambogooglocartography“.


2 Responses to “Best Asian Food Blog?”

  1. The Phnom Penh says:

    The motto of my college’s election committee was “vote early, vote often, vote in pencil so we can correct mistakes”. But I’m sure it wasn’t original with them.

  2. The Phnom Penh says:

    The motto of my college’s election committee was “vote early, vote often, vote in pencil so we can correct mistakes”. But I’m sure it wasn’t original with them.

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