Vote Prey Lang! Vote Phymean Noun!
Oct 25th, 2008 by Jinja
OK, so not everyone can vote in the USA Presidential election.
But you CAN vote for Prey Lang and Phymean Noun.
There’s a filmmaking contest on by the World Bank. And wouldn’t it be great to see more of their money go towards making socially relevant films than the usual silly development hijinks they get up to?
Jocelyn and Ben Pederick are hoping to get some dosh to turn their short ‘Prey Lang’ film into a longer version.
Go, watch, and if you like please vote:
Entry 31: Prey Lang One Forest One Future
Director(s): Ben Pederick, Jocelyn Pederick
Film Categories: Indigenous Peoples
Country: Cambodia
“The whole of Southeast Asia was once covered in low-lying evergreen forest. Now the last large forest of this kind is in Cambodia and it’s unprotected. The indigenous Kuy people have been its custodians for countless generations. This forest is called Prey Lang.”
Meanwhile, Phymean Noun of People Improvement Organisation is up for a CNN Heroes award for her group’s work at Stung Meanchey Dump.
On a somewhat related note: Lokkru Frank has a video in Extreme Khmer on the Kuy in Thailand.