BICOF 2009


Doin’ my best to spread the good word about Cambodian comics & Our Books at South Korea’s Bucheon International Comics Festival (BICOF), with a talk on Cambodian comics history.

Pungent Food


So many comics, so much art, so many cool people, so many bottles of Soju!

Stay ‘tooned for short comic précis, to be drawn during our upcoming 24 Hour Comics Drawing Day. Same day as Barcamp Phnom Penh! Yow!




Tags: cambodia,comics,korea

4 Responses to “BICOF 2009”

  1. Sreisaat says:

    Comics=Coolness! :)

  2. afro says:

    well done man, I appreciate your work.

  3. [...] through some basics on Khmer comics (primarily using the powerpoint presentation from my talk at BICOF) and am starting to develop some notes for a general presentation on webcomics: how I use [...]

  4. [...] Tomas Kucerovsky, Phong Nguyen, and yours truly: some short stories about our first time visiting a Korean Comics show. Hope everyone who went to the 2010 show had a great time, wish I could have attended! [...]

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