Hello – Goodbye – Hello
Aug 10th, 2003 by Jinja
Hello – Goodbye – Hello
Is the refrain as many people blip out for vacation or come for a summer stint.
I’ll be traveling too, in mid-September to Indonesia for an art show.
I’ve just finished short marketing job which was a complete change of pace, organizing some cyclos and performers for a product launch.
Also, Peace Café is having its open mike night this Saturday 8pm.
“Cafe Sonteipheap presents
The Optimists Ball
an evening of performance for better times
Live Music, cabaret, comedy, poetry and arty stuff
Saturday 16 August 8:00 pm
Street 63 1 Kilometer South of Sihanouk Boulevard”
Might see if I can dust off ‘Kom Auie Knyom Deik Sruel’.
News roundup: still quiet after the elections, lots of backstage discussion it seems.
Also review of comic about the fall of Phnom Penh in latest Cambodge Soir.