Visualising Angkor
Feb 11th, 2006 by Jinja
Visualising Angkor
is an event at Popil Photogallery featuring work from two projects in the field of virtual heritage, both guided by Monash University Lecturer Tom Chandler.
•From Monash Asia Institute (Australia) comes stunning animation and still prints of Angkor era temples (Pre Rup / Eastern Mebon) as well as models of urban areas and villages of the time.
•Heritage Watch presents a 3 dimensional rendering of an Angkorean era house created by Royal University of Fine Arts Architecture and Archaeology students from Cambodia’s first locally taught ‘digital heritage’ modelling class.
February 17th, opening 6:00 pm, animation screening at 6:30 pm.
February 18th, 6:30 pm:
Profile of Monash University Project / Question and Answer by Monash University Lecturer Tom Chandler.
February 19th, 6:30 pm:
Profile of Heritage Watch Class / Question and Answer by Architectural Advisor Hok Sokol and Animation Teacher Pou Sopheak.
Translation will be provided for presentations on the 18th and 19th. Animation clips will be available on computer throughout the exhibition.
Popil Photogallery: #126, Street 19, 2nd floor. 10am – 7pm daily. (Closed Mondays.)
Further Information: 012 526 840 /
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Interesting 3D visualizations. I love the first photo. Thanks for sharing!