Here in the States, the party rolls on:


CAM-CC Red Carpet
[From What's On] Tag: ,,,

A new series for the next few editions of Photo Wednesday:

Train LBC - PCH

Train signs in Spanish, English, Khmer in Long Beach.


After an intro by Prumsodun Ouk, Trent Walker walked us through a smot performance this evening, at the performance/rehearsal space of Khmer Arts Academy, just off of Anaheim Street (Long Beach California).

Trent Walker - Khmer Arts Academy - Smot

Trent quite obviously has a great affection for this music, and as one of the few foreigners to study and perform it, has a very unique niche straddling two worlds.

Smot is a little scary to some people:  it’s generally seen as funeral music, but it’s also considered theraputic for people in need of physical and spiritual healing. The words are taken directly from Buddhist scripture, and sung in Khmer. Some of the attendees were quite moved – you just don’t get a lot of live Smot in the States.   I was really happy to see Khmer Arts Academy put this presentation together.

Trent took this one step further and sang an English song about his teacher (Prum Ut of Cambodian Living Arts), who is having some health problems. This was moving and intriguing – it shows Smot is a vernacular form and capable of ‘daily life’ relevance. I’ve urged Trent to record an MP3 of the song, if he webs it up I’ll pass on the link.

Khmer Hip Hop mogul Prach Ly made a guest appearance, appreciating the music for a spell, then ducking out to prepare for a mic check – not before leaving me a copy of his latest CD.  A great day for music. Trent and a few of the local art contingent headed out to Denise Scott’s place for food and catching up.

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April 18: Khmer Mourning Music — Smot: Songs of Healing

All show times: 7 p.m.

Where: Khmer Arts Academy 1364 Obispo Ave., Long Beach

Admission: Free

Information: 562-472-0090

Music past and present this Saturday: Smot scholar Trent Walker will be at the show – and apparently a show by Prach Ly is later the same night !  More info as it rolls in.
Transformation II - 2nd City Council Art Gallery + Performance Space

The opening of Transformation II (April 11) was a fun and fascinating assemblage of pictures, publications and people in Long Beach. For now, some photos. (Click on any image for artist / show info.) Stay tuned for the upcoming publications presentation, and more general details.

02 Aragna Ker 9 Amy Sandford
‘Twilight of the Idols’- Aragna Ker ‘Reclaiming Khmer’ – Amy L. Sanford
05 Sopheak Chuop
08 Linda Saphan
 Sopheak Chuop  Uprooted’ 1 & 2 - Linda Saphan
10 Gina Han 07 Lorn Loeum
‘Golden Tree’ – Gina Han  ’Melting Motion’ – Lorn Loem
18 skull_02 Aragna Ker 14 Denise Scott
“Skull” – Aragna Ker ‘Adrift’ – Installation, 2009
Denise Scott
15-pithi-bon-kru Prumsodun Ok 16 Prumsodun Ok
‘Pithi Bon Kru’ – observance before performance  Dance performance – Prumsodun Ouk
I J stephane-janin
 Opening night crowd  Photo wonk Stephane Janin snaps away

Exhibition Fun

03 Touch Khchao C lydia-denise 01-detail Tom Tor
F 06 Virginie Noel D curatorial-crowd

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