You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation:
Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle :

Interpreting Devaraja :
Implications for Khmer civilization.

Sachchidanand SAHAI

Professor Sachchidanand SAHAI, former Pro-Vice Chancellor Magadh University, is currently Fellow at Indian Institute of Advanced Study SIMLA (India). He is the author of ³Les institutions politiques et l¹organisation administrative du Cambodge ancien², (EFEO, Paris 1970) under the supervision of George C¦dès, the master of Khmer epigraphy and history. He wrote also a number of books on Laos and Thailand, exploring the outer zone of Khmer civilization.

In course of his visit to Siem Reap, Professor Sachchidanand SAHAI will present the current status of studies on the famous Sdok Kok Thom inscription, the Khmer monuments relating to Devaraja and analyse the implications for Khmer civilization.

The presentation will take place Monday, September 2nd, at 6:30 pm in the EFEO library.
La présentation se tiendra à 18 h 30, lundi 2 septembre, dans la bibliothèque de l’EFEO.

Presentation will be in English.

In order to encourage scientific exchange, formally as well as informally, we are planning to follow up with other presentations by speakers working on subjects of interest to the Siem Reap scholarly community. You will be noticed by e-mail of these developments as they occur. Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to whoever you feel would be interested.

En vue de développer les échanges scientifiques, tant formels qu’informels, nous envisageons de poursuivre la tenue de telles présentations relatives à des sujets intéressant la communauté scientifique de Siem Reap. Nous vous tiendrons informés par courrier électronique des prochaines présentations, au fur et à mesure de leur confirmation. Nous vous invitons bien sûr à transmettre cette invitation à toute personne qui vous semblerait pouvoir être intéressé.

Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap

Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram
Tel: (885) (15) 635 037 / (63) 380 163 Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226
Email: EFEO Web Site:

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