Fw: Titanic shirt

Titanic Shirt
Was getting some scans printed out when I saw a guy wearing a Titanic t-shirt across the street, loading cooking gas tanks onto a moto. After a moment’s consideration I walked across the street and asked if he wanted to trade his shirt for my shirt, or if he would sell it.
In Cambodia, the Titanic film went down a treat. And about 5 years ago there was a ubiquitous t-shirt that everyone seemed to have: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio with the Titanic spelunking in the foreground. These are still seen now but you can’t find one in the market for love or money. The Titanic t-shirt is right up there with the the F4 cap, and Britney Spears t-shirt as local pop culture.
I am now the proud owner of a smelly shirt. Photos will follow. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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