Blogger Meetup Sunday August 7
Jul 26th, 2005 by Jinja
Phnom Penh Blogger Meetup:
Sunday August 7, 6:00 pm, at Hurley’s Cantina.
347 Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh, Right next to Sunny.Net. Next door to ‘Happy Herb’s’.

Click for larger image.
Tharum, Kampuchea Crossings, The Phnom Penh & Jinja will be there, plus (with luck) Lux Mean and new faces Travel-Itch and Yourath. Perhaps someone from Open Forum Cambodia too.
It doesn’t matter if your language is Khmer, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German – if you have a weblog, come by.
Meanwhile, in Santa Clara California, Beth Kanter (Cambodia4kids) and VillageGirl be ‘representin‘ Cambo styley weblogs at ‘BlogHer‘, a conference for women bloggers. Catch the photos here.
Tags: Cambodia Blog Technology Blogher
I met village girl and got a lot out of the conference. Would love to connect with more Cambodian bloghers, hope they show up at the next meeting.
And, any chance of using SKPE? That would mean I would have to get up at 5:00 a.m. — and I suspect there isn’t a wifi or broadband access in the restuarant!
Just to say Hello to you (as I didn’t join the Blogger Meeting-up). I think I met you at Pursat while you were having lunch at Thmor Keo restaurant. Yeah, I was trying to talk to you, but was quite busy (I was a cashier). Well, the place you stopped over is my house. I’ve spent nearly a month in Cambodia to visit my grand-mother.
* You’re handsome, and I know you could speak Khmer very well
Wanna! Pleased to (meet/have met) you!
Hi also to Villagegirl, I mentioned the ‘Blogher’ conference above, here is her speaking there!
Hello there Jinja, wow!! that was si nice of you to do that for me!!…wow!!!
And also i want to Jom Reap Sou to all our khmer vloggers or bloggers!!
I’m so glad to know you all here!