Khmer Unicode is Go

Khmer Unicode is Go

Why is Vuth smiling? He’s just bought the new Khmer Unicode keyboard.


Complete with unicode font and western script (click below for closeup) it also includes a CD with Unicode fonts, Khmer Open Source programs and a handy installer!

This may not seem exciting to some people but if you use Khmer a fair bit in your work, this stands to change a lot.


(I got mine at Pacific Computer in Phnom Penh, there may be other places selling it.)
Tomorrow: a look at Open Source programs on the CD! (No, I’m not taking orders.)


2 Responses to “Khmer Unicode is Go”

  1. Wanna says:

    This’s quite cool. Thanks for sharing, Jinja!

  2. David says:

    Where did you buy this keyboard ?
    Who is the manufacturer ?

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