

This picture could be yours – for 1000 riel, down at the waterfront in Phnom Penh.
Some are saying this cloud resembles a seated Buddha.

Waterspout 02

One Khmer friend took a look at the above and dismissed it as ‘photoshop’.

Waterspout 01

Wish I could have seen it.

A foreign friend who’s a Buddhist scholar said he was interested in getting opinions on the event. He was sure people would ascribe some significance to it, and wanted to know what kind.
“Because it’s Cambodia, right?” I replied.
“No, you’ll get that in pretty much any country.”

Postscript November 30: Someone seems to have captured it on video!


One Response to “Waterspout”

  1. M|O|N|G|K|O|L says:

    Things and beliefs like this are not strange in Cambodia.. :)

    The riverfront photographers have been enjoying quite a lucrative business though..

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