Several weeks ago I was excited to hear this had arrived: Cambodia’s most respected dictionary, as a searchable Khmer Unicode program. Produced by Open Institute and organized by the Buddhist Institute, this brings new readers to an old classic.  I was pipped at the post (literally) by dead tree blog Phnom Penh Post, which managed to get an article out first.

The software is now widely available on Khmer Unicode CDs that come with a keyboard purchase, which was a pleasant surprise for me to see yesterday. Hooray! Hardcore scholars may want to wait until version 1.0 has been reviewed and upgraded – as with any initial software release, there are always some things to tweak.

Buddhist scholar Chuon Nath wrote the dictionary as one of his many scholarly efforts.  That it’s stood the test of time both reflects on the level of scholarship in Cambodia and the change that this country has encountered since its publication.



Thanks to Leang Chumsoben for the tipoff.
Tags: cambodia,IT,khmer,dictionary,reference,academia

One Response to “Soft Copy: Chuon Nath Dictionary”

  1. Meng says:

    Wonderful, thank you, thank; I can’t down anywhere, but only from this site and work wonerfully.
    God bless you
    thank again

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