Though it's banned in neighboring Vietnam, Facebook is ingrained in Cambodian youth culture.
(Especially now that it supports Khmer text.)
For many young Cambodians, the internet IS Facebook.
If it's not on Facebook, did it really happen?
Sign of the times: two years ago when I was helping high school students create a collaborative ...
Archive for 2012
‘Mosquito Dreaming’ – Cambodian Animation from Battambang
Posted in animation on Oct 27th, 2012
One of the best deals in town is the 'Cinema Saturday' regularly held at Bophana Center.
Today's session also coincided with UNESCO's 'World Day for Audiovisual Heritage'. Despite some speechifying, a full house enjoyed a diverse session of short films.
The animation (by Panith Norm) itself is six minutes long! That's pretty ...
Found in the supermarket - even daily shopping can be surreal in Camboland.
"You shall drink one bag once daily. You shall NOT drink more of it."
(I should note that it's imported from Thailand.)
In the States, the Food and Drug Administration would jump on a product like this in a ...
Open Data: the hip new thing in Cambodia
Posted in cambodge, cambodia, cambodia blog, current events, mapping, maps, news on Oct 12th, 2012
[caption id="attachment_634" align="alignnone" width="517" caption="ODC Mapping"][/caption]
Fire up Google Translator!
Today, Le Monde, tomorrow The World.
Open Development Cambodia gets a mention in a French newspaper,
and now, in Swedish Development agency SIDA's web site.
It's been challenging work this last year, and it's gratifying to see the enthusiastic reaction to what is ...
Portrait of the artist as a young illustrator
Posted in cambodge, cambodia, comics, visual art on Sep 28th, 2012
In the past I 've blogged about Hul Sophon's sublime novel covers.
Today we were given a piece of autobiographical art from the man himself, for his profile on Our Books Cambodia. Life is sweet.