Some of the pre-war covers in an earlier post were mis-attributed to Hul Sophon, who set me straight in an interview not too long ago.

He notes that both he and Uth Roeun had friendly competition with a locally based cover artist of Chinese background, called Ung Yuksuy.  Little is known about this artist, but his covers have graced many a title.

Please Don't Mistreat Me!

Please Don’t Mistreat Me!
by Hak Chey Hong
(Very reminiscent of Stateside 60′s pulp covers.)

Great, My Mother Finds a Husband For Me (សប្បាយចិត្តណាស់ម៉ែឲ្យមានប្តី)

Great, My Mother Finds a Husband For Me (សប្បាយចិត្តណាស់ម៉ែឲ្យមានប្តី)
Writer: Prach Seng (ប្រាជ្ញ សេង), 1970s

Separated Love at Mondulkiri

Separated Love at Mondulkiri
by Prach Seng
(Ethnic minorities in Cambodia fall prey to stereotypes pretty often.)


Failure of Lady Hunter

Failure of Lady Hunter
by Kov Sarom
(From the ominous looks of this cover, I’m glad the ‘Lady Hunter’ failed.)

Preah Bat Po Ngie Yat

Preah Bat Po Ngie Yat
by Kuy Lout
(Historical dramas are a pretty safe bet in a culture often divided by politics.)

Malicious Spirit (ព្រលឹងចងពៀរ)
Malicious Spirit (ព្រលឹងចងពៀរ)
Writer: Kuy Loth (គុយ ឡូត),  1964

Mother's Blood (ឈាមម្តាយ)
Mother’s Blood (ឈាមម្តាយ)
Writer: Srey Loch (ស្រី ឡុច), 1965

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