Over the years we have done annual holiday cards for organisations I work for. (Most organizations and companies try to go for a generic holiday card but Christmas imagery is hard to avoid.) Naturally, I try to localize (‘Cambodianize’?)  them. Here is the whole batch so far, including this year’s!

Riek Rieyay Tgnai Bon Noel

(Rudolph the Red-Nosed Water Buffalo).

Our Books Christmas Card





Thursday Offerings


Wear black. Wear white. There wasn’t much agreement about how to observe the tragedy as a group yesterday. A Condolence March had been announced (more than once) on Facebook for 5:00 pm, starting at the Independence Monument, and concluding at Koh Pich.

It’s nearly impossible to get a permit for a public gathering on such short notice (unless it’s sponsored/planned by the government). So I was curious to see what would shake out. (There’d been an official ceremony in the morning already.)

(Photo courtesy LTOCambodia)

By rush hour Independence Monument was pretty sparse, with the flags nearby flapping at half-mast. By 5:30 pm we had seen several foreigners with photo gear, and numerous Khmers being dropped off or arriving, some with donation envelopes and joss sticks.  Most started off for Koh Pich.

By the time we passed the Buddhist Institute, the roads were blocked off and the number of people were swelling.

Just past Naga Casino, wreaths were strewn on the roadside, and people swelled into a line illuminated by the flashing bridge lights, giving their donations to an assemblage of monks. All walks of life were here, from the landcruiser set, to students, to villagers who’d stayed on after Water Festival. Volunteers passed on envelopes and incense to new arrivals.

I’ll save the analysis for Monday. For now, heartfelt condolences to my friends and family who are grieving.


Updated 11/22/2010 11:10 PM PST, USA (thx PDP!)
Updated 4:15 pm Nov 27 Cambodia time JW

Also, Bayon TV and CTN have been requesting donations since the early morning of the 23rd for local disaster relief.


National Committee for Disaster Management

(Click for full list of members)

Donations, which will be distributed to victims and their family, are accepted through representatives of the 10 universities in Phnom Penh and will be transferred to officials in charge of stampede victims committee.

Co-ordinating with:
OXFAM International,
World Vision Cambodia,
CARE, and
Save The Children .

(Total pledges $27,000)

also: Grace Henry of Hope, Phnom Penh
Phone: +855 11 738 949


NGO Pledges

(above): $27,000

Government: 5 million riel ($1200) + transport of deceased

Royal Family: $200 per deceased, $100 per injured

Sam Rainsy Party: 20,000 riel ($5) to families (Source for above: Cambodia Daily)

Cambodian Centre for Human Rights: food to families

Koh Pich (Diamond Island) company: $1000 per deceased, $200 per injured. (Source: Xinhua)

Bayon TV Telethon: $1,050,00 (Source: Cambodia Daily)

CTN TV Telethon: $251,000 (Source: Cambodia Daily)


Info Hotline: 078 7675 60 ~ 74 (15 Lines)
Phnom Penh City Hall: 016-866159 / 012-520520 / 016-78888
Ministry of Social Affairs: 012-910000 / 099-860453


November 25, 2010: National Day of Mourning



Candlelight Vigil, 11/23/2010
@Sophy’s Restaurant, 8 PM


A condolence parade was scheduled for 25th November from Independence Monument to Koh Pich starting at 5:00pm.

From http://www.facebook.com/pages/2211-Commemoration/119899688073511 / http://22-11foundation.blogspot.com )

“National Mourning Day” – wear black


Alternately, wear white: ‘We’re going to wear WHITE Shirt to join condolence on national mourn on 25 nov 2010′ Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=178358005507685




Google News: http://bit.ly/gkfNX5


Forums: http://bit.ly/hk924J





This list will be updated regularly and was originally posted by Phatry Derek Pan on Facebook.

On January 01 2011 This post will move to a static page: http://jinja.apsara.org/koh-pich-stampede-resources/. Both blog post and static page will contain the same information. We will be deleting some of the finished events shortly.

Ratanakiri Weekend Part 03

There was simply no WAY I was going to spend time in Ratanakiri without getting a little Elephant Time in. My local friends were only too keen to oblige. On the way we passed through a plantation of trees bearing sap used to make rubber. And then boom, we’re hanging out with a bunch of elephants and mahouts.


I managed to take a little video.  Elephants are rubbery too! Just the way they move and use their trunks. As with any big animal, they are very deliberate in how they step, and seem to operate on a slower pace than us hectic humans.

We explored the local area for about an hour,

Woot Elephants 01

which included an awesome waterfall. Surrounded by sharp rocks though, so one would really have to take some effort to get out in the water. Plenty more waterfalls in the area too – for next visit I think.

Waterfall Ratanakiri

Wrapping things up that evening was a Halloween party in Banlung. I managed to score some party accouterments from the local market.

Halloween Ratanakiri 2010

Thoroughly unconvinced that the provincial capitol is a boring town.

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Yeak Lom Lake Ratanakiri

An iridescent green jewel surrounded by trees. Ahhh.

Particularly interesting: on the path around the lake is a small tourist centre. Cultural tourism by Cambodians largely targeted AT ethnic Khmers.  It’s always interesting to see how a country is internally represented to its own people – i.e. the Cambodian Cultural Village:)

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